Tag: Feasibility Study


Today we’ve had another most exiting meetings about financials of the feasibility study. Our cost calculating expert Marinus Willemsen has done his job…  According to Marinus our budget should to be at least twice as big as expected. At least that is what he has calculated so far. Since Mamayoyo resorts should be intimate and […]

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What a crazy week

Apart from the huge list of to dos for Mamayoyo and the upcoming family holidays, it was a crazy week. Last Friday a good friend and I decided to fly to South Africa. In order to be a witness of the world cup soccer final that Sunday in Johannesburg. So three exhausting days of orange […]

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One love, one heart

Let's get together and feel all right

Hear the children crying (One love)

Hear the children crying (One heart)

Sayin', Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right.

Sayin', "Let's get together and feel all right."

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

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