Analysis: Hotel companies see the future in boutique lodging (Reuters AUG 17, 2010)

The word “boutique” in business implies small, specialized and unique — precisely the concept big hotel companies are adopting as they veer away from their time-tested, but formulaic lodging models.

Nearly every top hotel company from Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc (HOT.N) to Hyatt Hotels Corp (H.N) to InterContinental Hotels Group Plc (IHG.L) has unveiled or expanded boutique concepts, also called lifestyle brands.

Now, Marriott International Inc (MAR.N), the largest U.S. hotelier by market value, is opening its first Edition hotel in Waikiki Beach in October in partnership with hotel magnate Ian Schrager.

“We’re interested in getting into the market as fast as we can and with as many as we can,” Marriott Chief Executive J.W. “Bill” Marriott said of the boutique segment in a recent interview.

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